Improve appearance through nose surgery

Nasal surgery can be done for aesthetic or health reasons. But like surgery in general, this procedure also carries several risks. Nasal surgery or rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure to change the shape of the nose. In general, nose surgery can be useful to improve breathing difficulties due to a less ideal nose shape, correcting congenital defects in the nose, or correcting disproportionate nose shape due to an accident. The upper part of the nose is bone, while at the bottom is cartilage. The structure of cartilage, bone, skin, or a combination of all three, can be engineered through nasal surgery procedures. Nose surgery procedures undertaken by each person is different, depending on the conditions and goals. Nasal surgery can be done using local methods or general anesthesia, according to the advice and consideration of a doctor. If you are under general anesthesia, you may need to be hospitalized after surgery. Based on the surgical technique used, nose surgery can be divided into two types:
  • Open technique: surgical incisions are made outside the nose.
  • Closed technique: a surgical incision is made inside the nose.
When planning a nose operation, the doctor will analyze the shape of the nose and the skin around the nose, as well as what you want to change from the anatomy of each patient's nose. It is important to have a thorough discussion with the doctor before deciding to undergo nose surgery.

Preparation Before undergoing nose surgery

In addition to bringing no small risk, surgery will permanently change the shape of your nose. You need to inform the purpose and shape of the nose as you expect it to be done. Conversely, doctors also need to explain various risks, along with things that can be done and cannot be done. Before performing a nose surgery, you need to do a consultation session with the doctor first regarding:
  • Physical examination

  • This is to examine the possible risks and changes such as what will be done on the nose. This process is done by examining the skin, cartilage strength, nose shape, and supporting tests, such as blood tests, and nasal x-rays. After that, your nose may be photographed from various sides, and the photos will be digitally reconstructed as a design or approximate operation using a special computer application.
  • Medical history

  • History of surgery, medications being consumed, history of illness, or whether there is a nasal disorder that needs to be known by the doctor. If you have blood clotting abnormalities, such as hemophilia, then you may be advised not to undergo nose surgery.
  • Other possible operating procedures

  • It is possible that the doctor will recommend changing your chin to make it look bigger, so it is more balanced in size with the nose.
In addition, to reduce unwanted risks and expedite the recovery process, the following are some things that might need to be done before undergoing surgery.
  • Quit smoking

  • Quitting smoking can slow the postoperative healing process and increase the risk of infection.
  • Be aware of the medicine consumed

  • Avoid taking certain medications that increase the risk of bleeding, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for two weeks before and after surgery.

Ready to Face the Risk of Nasal Surgery

Like surgery in general, nose surgery carries a number of risks that need to be calculated in advance by the patient, including:
  • Excessive bleeding. Bleeding on the nose for about a week, making it difficult to breathe.
  • Postoperative infections.
  • Side effects of drugs.
  • Pain and swelling that never subsides.
  • Nasal congestion making breathing difficult.
  • The shape of the nose is not in accordance with initial expectations.
  • There is an incision scar.
  • A hole forms in the wall between the nostrils.
  • The nose and surrounding area will feel numb.
  • The implant used is infected or protrudes out of the skin, requiring repeat surgery to replace the implant.
The nose will generally bleed for about a week after surgery. You may need a protector on your nose for several weeks. In addition, a few days after surgery, you may feel weak and sleepy. Avoid driving your own vehicle and ask for help from relatives to drive you home from the hospital.

Prevent Postoperative Nasal Complications

To avoid bleeding and swelling, there are things you can do for some time after undergoing surgery, including:
  • Rest with a pillow position higher to relieve swelling and bleeding.
  • Avoid blowing nose.
  • Protect your nose from water, especially when bathing.
  • Avoid activities that involve a lot of movement, such as aerobics and running.
  • Do not push.
  • Avoid showing excessive expressions, such as when laughing or smiling.
  • Avoid wearing t-shirts that need to be worn from the head. Choose clothes with buttons or zippers.
  • Brush your teeth slowly to reduce friction on the upper lip close to the nose.
  • Don't wear glasses that can cause pressure on the nose, for at least 4 weeks after nose surgery.
  • Avoid too long being outdoors and exposed to sunlight, because it can cause the nose skin color to become permanently uneven.
  • Avoid putting ice on the nose.
  • Limit salt consumption to relieve nasal swelling.
To avoid complications and risks, nose surgery procedures should only be performed by surgeons in hospitals or clinics with adequate tools and facilities. Nasal surgery that is performed for beauty should be done after perfect nasal growth, which is at the age of 16 years and over. In addition to the risks and postoperative conditions above, it is also necessary to take into account the cost of a non-low nose surgery. Beyond these costs, there are other costs, such as medicine, doctor fees, drugs, and hospitalization costs. For that, before deciding to undergo nose surgery, you need to think about all aspects including the benefits and risks of nose surgery. To get the best advice, you can consult a plastic surgeon.


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