Eliminating blackheads that interfere with appearance

Removing blackheads to beautify the face can be done in several ways. You can use drugs, peels, or certain beauty procedures to get rid of blackheads. Blackheads are classified as mild pimples that usually appear on the face area. However, there is also the possibility of blackheads appear on the neck, chest, back, arms, or shoulders. Trigger Factors for Blackheads Some trigger factors make a person more susceptible to blackheads, including the body that produces oil or excessive sebum, the growth of acne-causing bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) on the skin, or irritation of hair follicles due to blocked release of dead skin cells. Certain drugs can also affect the growth of blackheads and acne, including corticosteroids, lithium, and androgens. Blackheads also appear more in smokers. Some types of skin care products and hair may be at risk of blocking pores too, causing blackheads. Genetic factors can also make a person more prone to have blackheads. In addition, blackheads ...